Typusbelege (Referenzbelege) in einem Sammlungsschrank.


Typusbelege (Referenzbelege) in einem Sammlungsschrank.
Foto: Herbarium Haussknecht

Regulations for loans

The Herbarium Haussknecht (JE) holds plants materials for scientific studies and seeks to serve the taxonomic community. Loans are regulated by the following protocol. A copy of this instruction leaflet should be given to the researcher working with the loaned material.

  1. Requests for loans will be accepted only from herbaria listed in Index herbariorumExterner Link, for use in the research by reputable scientists or their graduate students. An informative and concise loan request is needed for successful fulfilment. The receiving institution accepts responsibility for the safe custody and return of the specimens. Loans ordinarily are not made to individuals.
  2. All formal correspondence concerning loans, gifts and exchange material should be assigned to the curators of the collection.
  3. The loan request should contain the name of the researcher and the thematic scope of the research project. It should be signed by the head of the requesting institution or department. Detailed information on the taxonomy and geography of the material requested, including synonyms or alternative names under which the material may be filed should be provided. Use of specimens in projects of a commercial nature requires separate and specific permission.
  4. Loans are granted for the period of six months for type material and one year for other material. The period of loan may be extended upon written request. We reserve the right to request the return of loaned material at any time.
  5. The recipient may not transfer loaned specimens or any parts or derivatives thereof to any party without prior permission. Loaned specimens may not be removed from the establishment to which they have been consigned.
  6. We are currently scanning our type specimens. We encourage researchers to use our Virtual HerbariaExterner Link when-ever possible. Type specimens are available for loan only by special request.
  7. No more than twenty type specimens will be sent on loan at any one time to the same person.
  8. International loans including CITES-listed taxa can only be sent to institutions listed in the CITES Register of Scientific InstitutionsExterner Link.
  9. Please note that from 12 October 2014 material requested from JE may be subject to Prior Informed Consent from the country of origin. Any permissions and conditions of use will be advised before release. In certain cases, the material will not be made available.
  10. Borrowed material has to be treated carefully and protected against injuries. Disinfection using methods which may harm the specimens is not permitted.
  11. The recipient may not commercialize loaned specimens or any parts or derivatives thereof.
  12. The use of loaned specimens for DNA extraction or any other utilization of genetic resources is strictly forbidden, unless permission is expressly given by the curator. The portions are usually removed at JE before the material is sent on loan.
  13. Annotation slips, written legibly or printed in permanent ink and preferably as small as possible, should be attached to each herbarium sheet or envelope returned. Annotations should minimally bear the accepted name of the taxon, the collector and if available the collection number, the name of the researcher, his/her institution and the date of the annotation. Where specimens were sampled destructively, the project for which this was done should be given, e.g., “sampled for molecular phylogenetic work” or “sampled for leaf anatomy”. Please do not write on the original labels and the herbarium sheets. The labels must not be glued to the sheets, please pin or paper-clip labels on the sheets. Never use self-adhesive tape to fasten parts on the herbarium sheets.
  14. Preparations and photos should be added to the herbarium sheets.
  15. When the loan arrives, the box be opened as soon as possible, and the contents must be verified by checking against the packing list. The copy of the packing list or invoice should be signed by the curator and returned to JE. The list can be returned by mail, fax, or the signed list can be scanned and sent as an e-mail attachment. Please save the shipping box and packing material, and use these when returning the loan to JE.
  16. When the loan is ready to be returned, please control the number of specimens against the packing list and be sure that annotation labels are secured to each specimen. Bundle and pack the material properly. Return a copy of the invoice indicating the date when the return shipment was made.
  17. The borrower is responsible for the material until to the receipt at JE.
  18. The Herbarium Haussknecht (JE) should be acknowledged in any publication or other materials that present results derived from use of the loaned specimens. Reprints of publications resulting from the study of the borrowed material are greatly appreciated.